Antique and Unusual Apples!
At Hocking Hills Orchard, here at the Four Seasons Cabins, we grow many different varieties of Apples, Pears, Grapes and other fruit.
The apple varieties in this group fit for different reasons; either they have been around for 100 years or longer if antiques or have something unusual about them in shape, taste, color or history that caught my attention. Most apple varieties in stores today are there because of a few reasons, none of which is taste; (1) they ripen close together so labor costs are minimized, (2) they ship well so produce losts are minimized due to bruising, (3) they have an "appealing" look so that an apple like Calville Blanc d'Hiver with its bumps and humps would never fit in. At one time in America, mid to late 1800's,there was thought to be around 4,000 different varieties of apples! Now, Pomologists (fruit growing scientists), estimate there are around 2,000 in America and up to 10,000 in the world. Of those numbers most stores only carry six to ten different varieties. Think of the range of tastes that are available.
Apple varieties
- Akero
- Alaska
- Antonovka 1.5 Pounds
- Apfel Aus Grunheide
- Arkansas
- Arkansas Black
- Arthur Turner
- Baldwin (aka Woodpecker)
- Ballyfatten
- Beauty of Bath
- Belle de Jardins
- Belle de Pontoise
- Ben Davis
- Ben Davis, Black
- Bitterforest Apple
- Black Oxford Apple
- Blenheim Orange
- Bloody Ploughman
- Bouquet of Burgundy
- Bramley's Seedling
- Burr Knot
- Calville Blanc d'Hiver
- Calville Rouge d'Hiver
- Carter's Blue
- Catshead
- Chenango Strawberry
- Circassian Apple
- Clear Gold
- Clearheart
- Coast Apple
- Coconut Crunch
- Coe's Golden Drop
- Coeur de Boeuf
- Cornish Aromatic
- Court of Wick
- Court Pendu de France
- Court Pendu Gris
- Court Pendu Noir
- Court Pendu Plat
- Court Pendu Rose
- Crimson Gold
- Crow Egg
- Devonshire Quarrenden
- Dolgo
- Duchess' Favorite
- Dumelow's Seedling
- Early Harvest
- Ellison's Orange
- Esopus Spitzenberg
- Etter's Gold
- Fameuse
- Fenouillet de Ribours
- Fenouillet de Rose
- Fenouillet Gris
- Finson's Orange
- Flower of Kent
- Fortune
- Freiherr Von Berlepsch
- Frogmore
- Frostbite
- Gewurzluiken
- Glockenapfel
- Gloria Mundi
- Glorie van Holland
- Golden Sweet
- Greenchisel
- Greensleeves
- Grenadier
- Haralson
- Harold's Large
- Hawaii
- Hoary Morning
- Hollow Log
- Holly
- Holstein
- Howgate Wonder
- Hubbardston Nonsuch
- Irish Peach
- Jean
- Jewell
- Jonagram
- Jonalicious
- Joyce
- Junaluska
- Kandil Kitaika
- Kandil Sinap
- Kidd's Orange Red
- King Edward VII
- Lady
- Ladys Finger of Offaly
- Lass o'Gowrie
- Lord Hindlip
- Lowell
- Lubsk Queen
- Maiden's Blush
- Major
- Margil
- Mattamuskeet
- Merton Knave
- Milo Gibson
- Mollie's Delicious
- Moonlight
- Mother
- Moyers Spice
- Newtown Wonder
- Niagara
- Nickajack
- Northern Spy
- Northfield Beauty
- Ohio Nonpareil
- Old Nonpareil
- Opalescent
- Pacific Gold
- Pederstrup
- Pendragon
- Peperapple
- Pomme Cloche
- Pomme Framboise
- Pomme Grise
- Pomme Raisin
- Pound Sweet
- Pumpkin Sweet
- Purpurroter Cousinot
- Rainbow
- Ralls Janet
- Red Astrachan
- Red Baron
- Red Bellflower
- Red Rome
- Red Westfield Seek No Further
- Redfree
- Rhode Island Greening
- Saint Cecilia
- Saint Lawrence
- Schweizer Orangenapfel
- Seestermuher Zitronenapfel
- Severny Sinap
- Shawnee
- Silvercup
- Snowsweet (Minn 1797)
- Spijon
- Spokane Beauty
- State Fair
- Stayman
- Summer Banana
- Summer Orange
- Summer Rambo
- Sundance
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Suntan
- Sweet Bough
- Sweet Delicious
- Sweet Sixteen
- Tango Wine
- Tarbutton
- Teint Frais
- Tolman Sweet
- Tompkin's County King
- Twenty Ounce
- Vandevere
- Viking
- Violette
- Virginia Winesap
- Western Beauty
- Westfield Seek-No-Further
- Winter Banana
- Winter Sweet Paradise
- Wolf River
- Yellow Bellflower
- Yellow Red Delicious
- Yellow Transparent
- Zuccalmaglio
(1759 Sweden) Medium to large, oval fruit. Pink flush over a pale primrose skin. Pale cream, crisp, juicy flesh with a refreshing raspberry-like flavour. It arose as a seedling at the Akero mansion south of Stockholm or was brought there from Holland around 1759. It was first recorded in 1858 by the pomologist Olof Eneroth.
(Humboldt County, California, USA) Large, almost white skinned fruit. Very crisp, juicy refreshing white flesh. Name was chosen to conjure up the image of cool, white majesty. An Albert Etter named seedling.
(Humboldt County, California, USA) Large, almost white skinned fruit. Very crisp, juicy refreshing white flesh. Name was chosen to conjure up the image of cool, white majesty. An Albert Etter named seedling.
(Seed planted about 1833; propagated after 1868 Arkansas, USA) Fruit is medium to large, skin dull dark red, greenish-yellow groundcolor, blackish tinge. Flesh greenish-cream colored, very firm, crisp, flavor sub-acid. Harvest season very late, 2 weeks after Delicious.
(@1870 Benton County, Arkansas, USA) Medium to large, smooth skinned, dark red to almost black apple. Crisp, juicy, yellow flesh. Thought to be a seedling of Winesap.
(1912 Berkshire, England, UK) Large conical fruit. Delicate brownish pink flush over pale green/yellow skin. Sharp, pale cream flesh. Cooks to a well flavoured, yellow puree requiring little added sugar. An excellent early cooking apple.
(1740 Lowell, Massachusetts, USA) Large, tough, smooth, red skinned apple with white stars. Crisp, solid, juicy, aromatic, yellowish flesh. Most widely planted apple in the U.S. until the 1920's.
(1802 Mayo, Ireland) Medium size fruit, skin greenish yellow blushed red- brown, blotched pink, russet. Harvest season mid to late.Fruits have firm, white flesh with an acid flavour.
(1864 England, UK) Medium sized fruit, flat shape, yellow flushed with red stripe. Flesh creamy white, soft, very juicy, sweet, a little acid, distinctive flavor. Received First Class Certificate from Royal Horticultural Society in 1887.
(donated to US 1934 from Zaragoza, Spain) Large fruit, prominently ribbed at calyx basin. Skin green-yellow blushed up tothree quarters orange and dark red. Flesh is coarse, hard, greenish. Flavor subacid, harvest season late. Cultivar name translated means 'Beauty of the Gardens'.
(1879 France) Open pollinated seedling of Alexander. Fruit is very large, flat shape, rectangular, convex, yellow-green flushed orange, striped red, some russet. Flesh firm, crisp, white, subacid with traces of sweetness. Dessert and cooking.
(1880 Arkansas, USA) Famous old southern apple noted for its rapid growth and excellent keeping qualities. Large, conical, white-fleshed, red and dark carmine striped fruit is borne heavily and annually. The tree is a very good pollinator and is one of the parents of Cortland. Once called "mortage lifter" for the income it generated by shipping barge loads on the Mississippi River to New Orleans for export.
(Arkansas, USA) Red fruited mutation of Ben Davis. Why is it called "Black" if it is a red fruited mutation?
(donated to the USA in 1947 from Bosnia and Herzegovina.) Medium size greenish yellow apple. I grafted it because it is a weird name andand from an unusual place.
(before 1790, Oxford County, Maine, USA.) Outstanding apple, a favorite long ago around much ofMaine Medium-sized round fruit, deep purple with a blackish bloom. Excellent pies, superb late cider.
(1740 Oxfordshire, England, UK) Large, flat round fruit. Orange red flush and stripes over greenish yellow skin. Speckled with fine brown russet spots and patches. Creamy white flesh with a crumbly texture. Considered as one of the loveliest apples with a distinctive, dry, nutty flavour. Dual purpose. Cooks to a stiff puree.
(1883 Gowrie, Scotland, UK) Medium to large, flat-round, ribbed fruit. Blood red skin. Crisp, juicy flesh becomes stained pink when very ripe. Sweet with a light flavour. There is a colourful story behind the rather strange name. A ploughman was caught stealing apples from the Megginch estate and shot by a gamekeeper. His wife threw the stolen apples on a rubbish heap. One of the seedlings which arose was resued and gave rise to the variety which was named after the unfortunate ploughman.
I do not know anything about this variety except that I like the name!
(between 1809 and 1813, Notinghamshire, England, UK) First exhibited in 1876. Received a First Class Certificate from the Royal HorticulturalSociety in 1893. Bramley's Seedling more commonly referred to simply as Bramley is undoubtedly the classic English cooking apple
(1818 England, UK) Large, round fruit. Red flush on a very greasy yellow skin. Cooks to a yellow puree which is sweet and pleasantly flavoured. Characterised by burrs at the base of branches which will root if planted. Burr Knot and similar varieties, which were propagated from cuttings, were widely grown by small farmers in 19th Century particularly in South Wales. Burr Knott has been used as a rootstock in the past.
(1598 France) Medium to large pale green fruit with light red dots on sunny side. Bottom half sharply segmented, segment lines often extend to stem. Tender, sweet, spicy yellowish white flesh. More vitamin C than an orange. Favorite apple of King Louis XIII of France and a favorite of Thomas Jefferson.
(1600 Britanny, France) Fruits have rather soft, moderately juicy flesh with a somewhat sweet flavour.
(1840's Mount Meigs Depot, Alabama, USA) The fruit is very attractive with a bluish color due to its heavy bloom. Once thought to be extinct, this wonderful apple was rediscovered by Lee Calhoun growing in the National Fruit Trust in Kent, England. Medium to large fruit with greenish-yellow skin, mostly covered with dull red and all overlaid with a heavy bluish bloom. Flesh is white, crisp and juicy and very fragrant. Flavor has been described as "rose-water." Ripens September and not a good keeper.
(early 1600's Ireland) A very old cooking apple first mentioned in literature from 1629. It was once widely sold by Virginia nurseries until the early 1900's. Supposedly resembles a cat�s head when viewed in profile, but this feature is variable. A very large round apple with greenish-yellow skin. Good for cooking and drying. Ripens September.
(Connecticut or New York, USA)
(donated to the USA in 1933, Russian Federation) A semiwild variety of exceptional vigor and productivity.
(discovered 1962, Golden Delicious limb mutation. Pennsylvania USA) Medium size fruit, conical, skin clear gold, almost no russetingeven under adverse conditions. Flesh same as Golden Delicious, ripens Oct. 1.
(1951 Ireland) Fruit size is medium, shape flat, truncate-conic, convex, ribbed on body. Skin pale yellow flushed carmine, russet dots. Flesh firm, white, flavour acid.
(donated to the USA in 1970, South Africa) Fruit size is medium, shape flat, truncate-conic, convex, ribbed on body. Skin pale yellow flushed carmine, russet dots. Flesh firm, white, flavour acid.
(Northern Spy x Delicious; introd. about 1982, Idaho, USA) Very large fruit, skin 80% red, striped, shape conic, ribbed. Flesh hard,yellow, flavor subacid. Harvest season late October.
(donated to the USA in 1960. England, UK)
(known since the 1200's France) Fruits have soft, greenish veined pink flesh with a sweet subacid, aromatic flavour. Large flat-round apple. Red flush over a green skin. Cooks to a sweet, lemon coloured puree. Keeps well.
(1813 but thought to be many centuries older Cornwall, UK) Medium sized, round-conical to oblong-conical fruit, ribbed and very distinctly five crowned. Dry skin, greenish-yellow, half flushed dullish red with broken, short darker red stripes. Variable amounts of russetting, which in some years may be limited to small russet dots and in others may comprise of large ochre russet patches covering much of the surface and producing a pretty patterns with the underlying red flush . White flesh with greenish tinges, firm and rather dry. Has a fine aromatic, almost spicy flavour in good years but may lack flavour in poor years.
(introduced 1790, Somerset, England, UK) Fruits are crisp with a rich and subacid flavour. Small to medium, conical fruit. Red flush and russet spots over a golden yellow background.
I know nothing except the name and my scion source.
(known in 1300's France) Medium sized fruit, shape flat, truncate-conic, convex, ribbed on body, asymmetric. Skin deep yellow, slightly flushed and striped pink, russet round eye, thick. Flesh firm, crisp, yellowish white. Flavor very sweet, slightly subacid, aromatic, season very late.
Name and source only.
(known since Roman times) Perhaps the oldest variety of apple still grown. First described in about 1613 and considered of great antiquity then. Still considered one of the best of the really late dessert varieties. Very late flowering and because of that was known as the "Wise" apple by some. Medium sized flat, well-rounded, regular fruit with a barely perceptible stem which causes it to lay flat against the branch like a peach. Greenish yellow to orange flushed with rose. Slight russetting with dry skin. The flesh is creamy white, firm, fine-textured and juicy. Fruity flavour with pineapple-like acidity. Becomes sweet with keeping but retains its strong flavour.
(Of great antiquity but first described about 1613) Medium sized fruit, shape flat, rectangular, convex, not ribbed. Skin yellow flushed dull red with some russet. Flesh firm, crisp, yellowish white. Flavor sweet, rich, perfumed. Late flowering.
(Introduced 1944, Yellow Newtown x Esopus Spitzenburg. California, USA) Large fruit, skin 10% pink blush on green ground. Flesh firm, cream colored, flavor subacid.
(early 1800's USA) The northern Crow Egg is a medium size apple, somewhat flattened in appearance with yellow skin flushed with red shading.
(1676 Devon, England, UK) Small to medium sized fruit. Solid red skin with a distinct strawberry flavor.
(1917 Open-pollinated, M. baccata x M. prunifolia origin. Intro) Crabapple, name in Russian means "long".
(raised late 1700's to early 1800's Surrey, England, UK) Raised in about 1800 by Mr Cree, nurseryman of Addlestone, Surrey andnamed after the Duchess of York who lived nearby. A popular Victorian garden apple. An attractive, colourful apple. Small to medium-sized fruit. Round to flat- round shape, slightly ribbed.Bright red flush and faint red stripes over a pale greenish yellow background. Firm white flesh, sometimes tinged red. Quite sharp with a strawberry flavour.
(late 1700's probably from a Northern Greening Seedling, Leicestershire, England, UK) Large, regular, flat-round shaped fruit. Palegreenish yellow. Delicate pinkish orange blush and stripes. Firm, juicy, acid, white flesh. Cooks to a strong flavoured, pale cream puree. Keeps verywell retaining much of its acidity and flavour until spring. A very good culinary apple. It was a widely grown and popular culinary variety in Englanduntil it was superceded by Bramley's Seedling in the early 1900's.
(early 1800's or before USA) Medium size fruit, skin yellowish-green, flesh soft, nearly white. Harvest season very early, late July.
(late 1800's, Cox's Orange Pippin x Calville Blanc Lincolnshire, UK) Medium, round-conical fruit. Brownish red flush and stripes overa greenish yellow skin. Small russet patches. Creamy white flesh. Crisp and juicy. Intense aromatic flavour similar to Cox. The aniseed flavour to whichthe literature often refers is not always very noticeable and certainly not unpleasant. At its best Ellison's Orange can surpass Cox in flavour.
(1790 Esposus, New York, USA) Medium to large, orangish fruit with red stripes and russet dots. Crisp,fine grained, spicy, juicy yellowish flesh with a rich aromatic flavor. This was the favorite apple of Thomas Jefferson!
(Humboldt County, California, USA) Wagener x Transcendant Crab. Medium to large greenish yellow fruit ripening to clear gold. Crisp, juicy, sweet white flesh. One of the first seedling varieties developed by Albert Etter.
(France) Planted in USA in 1730, thought to have been brought to Canada from France. Also known as Snow. Probable parent ofMcIntosh. Fruits have rather soft, fine-textured, juicy flesh with a very sweet and vinous flavour - similar to McIntosh.
(first fruited in 1840 France) Large fruit with prominent ribs at eye and on body. Skin greenish, partly covered with bronze russet, white dots. Fruits have fine, white flesh with a sweet, subacid, aniseed perfumed flavour. Season very late
(first described in 1667 France) Fruits have fine, soft, dry flesh with a sweet flavour.
(first described in 1608 France) Medium size fruit, slightly ribbed on the body. Skin dull yellow, entirely covered with solid andnetted reddish brown russet and conspicuous light russet dots. Fruits have fine, crisp, white flesh with a sweet and aniseed flavour. Harvest season late to very late.
(donated to USA in 1973 Tasmania, Australia)
(original tree was growing about 1660 Kent, England, UK) The falling of this apple led Isaac Newton to discover the law of gravity. Large sized fruit, red, striped, shape conic. Flesh firm, white tinged green, flavor slightly acid, slightly astringent. Fruits drop severely before they ripen.
(1995 New York, USA) Red Spy x Empire cross. The fruit is very large and red. Yellowish flesh with unique flavor-best qualities of both its parents.
(1880 Rheinland, Germany) Fruits have crisp flesh with a subacid flavour.
(1865 England, UK) Large size fruit, shape flat, conic, convex, not ribbed. Skin greenish yellow, slightly streaked and flushed crimson. Flesh tender white, flavor sweet. Cooking apple now seldom grown.
(late 1940's University of Minnesota, USA) Formerly known as MN 447. Open pollinated seedling of Malinda. Grandparent of Honeycrisp, been described astasting like raw sugar cane with a sweet, molasses flavor. Frostbite (MN 447) is not ideal for eating on its own, nor would it be good for pies or sauces. It is best suited for use in ciders.
(Wuerttemberg, Germany) Medium to large sized fruit, shape intermediate to flat, conic or truncate-conic, convex, ribbed slightly on body at eye. Skin greenish yellow nearly covered with dark orange-red flush and deeper red stripes, some russet. Flesh firm, greenish white. Flavor sweet, subacid. Cultivar translated may mean 'spicy'. Ripens in October.
(Switzerland) A green, smooth skinned, bell-shaped culinary apple. Keeps its shape when cooked and has a translucent quality. It is still very popular in Switzerland for making Apple Strudel. An ancient variety of unknown origin, once widely grown in Europe.The name derived from the shape literally means Bell Apple.
(1804 New York, USA) Very large fruit, skin greenish-yellow sometimes with faint bronze blush. Fruits have rather soft, coarse-textured, dry flesh with a subacid flavour. Harvest season early October.
(1890 Gelderland, Netherlands) Medium size yellow fruit with red blush, sometimes russetted.
(1832 Connecticut, USA) An extraordinarily sweet apple, so sweet that the "first bite can be a shock." It has no acid to balance the sweetness,so eating Golden Sweet can be like eating a tablespoon of honey. Fruit is medium to large with thin, smooth waxy yellow skin. The sweet yellow flesh is firm, juicy,and aromatic..
(1883 Mayo, Ireland)The flesh is very white, crisp, fairly juicy and with a suspicion of lemon flavour. The fruit is medium-sized andconical, varying to somewhat flattened with a characteristic square appearance at the eye end. The skin is smooth and dull green with small russet specks.
(1966 Kent, England, UK) James Grieve x Golden Delicious cross. Medium sized, round fruit. Pale green skin ripening to bright yellow. Creamy white, crisp, juicy flesh. Pleasant refreshing flavour. Sweet but with some balancing acidity.
(1862 England, UK) Large, round-conical fruit. Ribbed and often irregular in shape. Pale green skin ripening to pale yellow.White flesh cooking to a sharp, pale cream puree. A good early cooking variety.
(1913 Minnesota, USA) Melinda x Selected cross. Originated in Excelsior, Minnesota, USA by the University of Minnesota Fruit Breeding Farm. Selected in 1913 and introduced in 1923. Fruits are crisp and juicy.
Large apple that is supposed to taste like a hint of licorice. Bright yellow fruit with intense red cheek. Highly aromatic, yellow flesh.
(1945 Washington, USA) Golden Delicious x Gravenstein. Gourmet dessert apple with a flavor and aroma like pineapple. Large, yellowfruit with light pinkish orange striping gives overall orange appearance. Exceptionally sweet flavor is largely influenced by Gravenstein. Growth habitis moderate spreading and easily trained.
(1819 Somerset, England, UK) A large, distinctly striped, dual-purpose apple. Flat-round to short-round-conical shape. Fairly regular. Faint trace of ribbing. Pale green background skin colour becoming yellow. Almost completely covered with bold red stripes and a bloom. Creamy white flesh, firm, and rather dry. Some sweetness and plenty of acidity. When cooked keeps its shape.
(1860 North Carolina, USA) Large fruit, skin greenish-yellow. Flesh soft, nearly white, flavor subacid.
(1952 Ohio, USA) Johnathan x Delicious cross. Medium to large sized fruit, oblong conic. Completely covered with cherry red, smooth, thick skin. Flesh subacid, texture excellent.
(1918 Germany) Possibly a Cox Orange Pippin seedling. A medium/large sized apple. Greenish yellow background skin colour becominggolden yellow with orange red stripes. Slight russeting. Deep cream flesh, slightly coarse-textured, juicy, with an intense rich aromatic flavour.Slightly large for a dessert apple but excellent for juice producing an intensely aromatic, orange-yellow coloured juice.
(1915 Isle of Wight, UK) Blenheim Orange x Newton Wonder. Very large, round-conical fruit. Attractive looking. Pale green skinwith brownish red flush and stripes. Pale cream flesh. Sharp pleasant taste. Produces a good sharp juice.
(1832 Massachusetts, USA) Large red fruit with sweet, subacid flavor.
(1819 Sligo, Ireland) Medium sized fruit, brownish red flush over a greenish yellow skin. Crisp, juicy,pale cream flesh. Good balance of sugar and acidity. Excellent flavour for a summer apple. Does not keep and best eaten from the tree. Vigorous tip bearing tree. Good cropper.
All I know about this one is that this is my Mothers name.
(1923 Missouri, USA) Ingram x Jonathan cross. Medium to large reddish fruit.
(1933 Texas, USA) Chance seedling. Fruits have firm, crisp, juicy flesh with a subacid and aromatic flavour.
McIntosh x Livland Raspberry cross. Yellow fruit washed with crimson. Juicy, aromatic white flesh, somewhat similar to McIntosh.
Junaluska is one of those venerable old apples long sought by apple collectors but thought to have been extinct since the 1800's. However, in 2001, noted apple hunter Tom Brown of Clemmons, NC, found an old tree growing in Macon Co., NC, with fruit which closely matched the old apple. He collected a handful of samples and sent a few apples to Big Horse Creek Farm and other collectors for verification. They all agreed he had indeed found the true Junaluska! According to the description in Calhoun�s Old Southern Apples, the original tree was owned by a Cherokee chief named Junaluskee who lived in either Macon or Cherokee County, NC. When the state began purchasing Cherokee lands in the 1800's, Chief Junaluskee refused to give up the land on which the tree was growing. After meetings with State Commissioners he finally agreed to sell the tree for $50. It is a large to very large, high-quality apple with a distinctive irregular globular form. The dull yellow skin is somewhat rough with raised russet patches, occasional greenish spots and with a pale red flush on the sunny side. The tender yellow flesh is juicy and rich with a pleasant subacid flavor.
(former USSR) Very large white petals on flowers. Fruit size is small to medium. Skin dark red, shape conic, juicy, white flesh.
(early 1800's Turkey) Tall, narrow, cylindrical shaped apple. Creamy yellow porcelain like skin with a brilliant red blush. Crisp, juicy, fine grained white flesh.
(1924 North Island, New Zealand) Cox Orange Pippin x Red Delicious cross. Medium sized, round-conical fruit. Crimson flush over agreen skin ripening to yellow. Creamy white, firm, juicy flesh. Excellent aromatic flavour.
(1902 Worcester, England, UK) Medium to large sized fruit. Flat-round to round shape, slightly ribbed and puckered. Bright green becoming pale yellow. Smooth dry skin. Cream flesh, firm and fairly juicy. Cooks to a well-flavoured , translucent puree. Continues to develop asweeter taste and then makes a brisk eating apple.
(dates back to Roman times) Small, smooth yellow fruit with glossy red cheek. Crisp, juicy, pure white flesh, highly aromatic.
(1851 Ireland) Belongs to the group of apples called "lady fingers" which are long and slender. Yellow skin with red stripes, medium sized, aromatic, subacid flavor.
(1883 Scotland) Old Scottish summer cooking apple. Fruits have soft flesh with a subacid and sweet flavour.
(1896 Worcestershire, England, UK) Medium sized fruit, shape intermediate, truncate-conic, slightly ribbed. Skin greenish yellow, covered crimson flush and streaks, some russet. Flesh firm, coarse, crisp, juicy, yellowish to greenish. Flavor sweet, season very late. Late, high quality dessert apple.
Medium sized yellowish orange fruit with some red stripes. Juicy, slightly coarse white flesh.
(1800's Russia) Liberty Hyde Bailey, after seeing an exhibit of Lubsk Queen at the Columbia Exposition in 1893, wrote: "This apple was the most remarkable combination of brilliant pink and white and pruinose color of which the eye can conceive. It's perhaps the most striking single variety of fruit shown at the Fair." Lubsk Queen was one of some 350 Russian apples brought into the United States by Professor J. L. Budd of Iowa State Agricultural College and Charles Gibb of Quebec between 1879 and 1885 from various localities in Russia in an attempt to find varieties that could survive the harsh winters of Quebec and the Northern U. S. prairies. A medium to large apple, the flesh of Lubsk Queen is snow white, firm, juicy, brisk, tart to most tastes.
(1817 New Jersey, USA) Medium size fruit, skin ground color yellow green, over color 30% orange blush. Flesh semi-firm, nearly white.
(1854 England, UK) Large fruit, skin greenish yellow flushed and splashed deep red, light russet dots. Flesh firm, crisp yellowish.Flavor rich subacid, harvest season mid to very late.
(pre 1750 Europe) Known in England since 1750 but thought to have originated somewhere in Europe. Medium size fruit, yellowish orange, deep redstreaks, some russet. Firm, sweet, rich. One of the best flavored dessert apples.
(North Carolina, USA) Mattamuskeet probably originated near Lake Mattamuskeet in Hyde County, North Carolina. Legend has it that theseed was taken from the gizzard of a wild goose by the Mattamuskeet Indians. Fruit is medium-sized and slightly conical or irregular in shape. Skin isgreenish-yellow and covered with dull purplish or rusty overtones. Flesh is dull yellow, firm, juicy, and acid when picked, but mellows in storage.
(1948 Merton, England, UK) Laxton's Early Crimson x Epicure cross. Medium size fruit, skin 90-100% red, blushed color pattern. Flesh semifirmsometimes watercore, cream-colored. Flavor subacid.
(USA) Red and yellow fruit. A fine tasting apple with unique licorice flavor.
(1948 New Jersey, USA) (Golden Delicious x Edgewood) x (Red Gravenstein x Close). very large fruit, skin 70-90% red, striped.Flesh semifirm, cream colored, juicy. Flavor subacid, aromatic. Similar to Golden Delicious.
I do not know anything about this variety.
(1840 Bolton, Massachusetts, USA) Medium to large fruit is slightly oblong with thin, smooth, red skin. Flesh is yellow, fine-grained, tender, juicy with a sweet-acid flavor and a pleasant aroma.
Medium sized red striped fruit. Aromatic, semi-crisp, white flesh with a true spicy flavor.
(1870 Derbyshire, England, UK) Dumelow Sdlg. x Blenheim Orange cross. Very large, flat-round fruit. Greenish yellow skin coveredwith orange red flush and red stripes. Firm, juicy, creamy yellow flesh.
(1939 New York, USA) Carlton x McIntosh cross. Medium to large fruit, skin 90% red, color pattern blush and stripe, conspicuous dots,sometimes slight russet. Flesh semifirm, whitish cream, sometimes greenish tinge. Flavor subacid.
(early 1800's Nickajack Creek, North Carolina, USA) Believed to have originated with the Cherokee Indians. Favored for its large size, dependability and long keeping ability. Fruit large with greenish-yellow skin streaked with red. Crisp, yellowish flesh is juicy with a brisk subacid to sweet flavor.
(1800 East Bloomfied, New York, USA) A large greenish yellow apple flushed and striped pinkish red. Fine grained, rather firm, juicy, yellowish flesh. Tart, aromatic, subacid flavor.
(latter half of the 1800's Northfield Mountains of Vermont, USA) Medium to large fruits, predominately red in color. Hangs wellto the tree. Maintains it's quality longer both on the tree and in storage. Heavy producer, immune to scab. Skin whitish yellow , striped and splashedwith red. Flesh crisp, white.
(1848 Massillion, Ohio, USA) Large fruit, skin 80-90% dull red, striped. Flesh firm, yellow, flavor subacid.
(ancient English apple possibly dating back to Queen Elizabeth's time) A small late fall apple, this variety has streaks and spots of brown russet, a faint orange flush, and yellowish-green skin. Tender, crisp, and delicious greenish flesh. It was described by 17th century French writers.
(1899 Michigan, USA) Large fruit, skin pale yellow, bright scarlet blush and stripes, dotted, very greasy. Flesh firm, fairly crisp,cream to yellowish white. Flavor sweet.
(1944 California, USA) Very large fruit. Flesh tender, crisp, quite sweet, dessert quality.
(1858 Fynn, Denmark) Medium fruit, skin greenish yellow, blushed red, striped scarlet, dotted, some russet netting. Flesh fairlycrisp, tender, greenish white. Flavor slightly sweet, subacid.
(1200's? Wales, UK)
(known since 1700's Europe) Very large fruit. Flesh tender, crisp, quite sweet, dessert quality.
(1770 Germany?) Medium sized fruit, shape variable, tall or intermediate, rectangular or truncate-conic, convex, ribbed on body and at eye. Skin yellow flushed, dotted and striped dull red. Flesh fine, somewhat loose, greenish yellow to yellowish- white, sometimes tinged red. Flavor vinous and sweet, aromatic.
(Canada or maybe France) Small to medium fruit, skin russet sometimes 10-20% dull orange blush. Flesh firm, light yellow. Flavor subacid.
(1842 Vaud, Switzerland) Medium fruit, skin green, marbled and streaked light red, numerous light grey dots, blue bloom, slightly greasy.Flesh fine, firm, crisp, greenish white. Flavor subacid, strongly aromatic.
(1834 Connecticut, USA) Very large, amber to golden fruit when ripe. Sweet, unusual flavor with yellowish flesh.
(1834 Connecticut, USA) Very large fruit. Skin light green, sometimes with orange stripes, shape round, ribbed. Flesh firm, cream-colored, water core. Flavor sweet, eating quality good.
(1828 Germany) Small to medium size fruit. Shape is oblong-round, color is dark red.
(1900 Missouri, USA) An old Stark Bros. apple which originated in Missouri around 1900. A large fruit with yellow skin colorfullystriped with red. The yellow flesh is juicy and fine-grained.
(1800 Virginia, USA) An apple with a long, convoluted history, Ralls Janet first gained attention in 1800 where it was grown on the farm of CalebRalls in Amherst County, Virginia. Fruit is medium to large with thin greenish-yellow skin covered with pinkish red and overlaid with dark red striping.The yellowish flesh is fine-grained, crisp and juicy. Ripens in October and is an excellent keeper.
(before 1800 Russia) Medium fruit with thin, pale yellow skin that is nearly covered with bright red and crimson splashes and stripes.White flesh is often tinged with red streaks and is coarse, crisp, moderately juicy and briskly subacid in flavor.
(1969 Minnesota, USA) Golden Delicious x Daniels Red Duchess cross. Medium to large cherry-red fruit. Crisp, juicy white flesh with an acidic, tart flavor.
(1816 Ohio, USA) Medium to large red skinned fruit. Crisp, tart white flesh.
(1869 New York, USA) Red fruited mutation of Westfield Seek No Further.
(1981 Indiana, USA) Raised by Purdue, Rutgers and Illinois Universities. Medium fruit, glossy with 90% bright red color. Smooth waxy,russet-free skin. Light flesh crisp and juicy, excellent flavor.
(before 1650 Probably in the vicinity of Newport, RI, near the place now known as Green's End, USA) Medium to large fruit,skin yellowish green with occasional orange flush, russet at the calyx end, pale dots, greasy. Flesh firm, fine, greenish yellow. Flavor acid. Excellent for cooking and drying.
(1900 Wales, UK) Medium to large fruit have a crisp, juicy flesh with a rich, aromatic flavour.
(before 1835 Montreal, Canada) Medium to large fruit have tender, very white flesh with a subacid flavour.
(1935 Wadenswil, Switzerland) Large to very large fruits have firm, creamy white flesh with a subacid flavour.
(early 1900's Germany) The name translates to Seestermuher Lemon Apple.
(former USSR) Medium to large fruit, yellow with orange blush. Tall, late dessert apple.
(1975 Connecticut, USA) Macoun x Delicious cross. Medium fruit, skin 90-100% dark red, dull, blushed. Flesh semifirm, cream colored.Flavor subacid.
(England, UK)
(1970 Minnesota, USA) Sharon x Connel Red cross. As its name implies, SnowSweet has a white flesh, which is slow to oxidize when cut. It is sweet, with low acidity.
(1944 Geneva, New York, USA) Red Spy x Monroe cross. Large fruit, skin attractive crimson, blushed. Flesh firm, light yellow,flavor subacid.
Known mainly for its unusual size, can grow up to two pounds and more. Greenish apple with red shoulders.
(1979 Minnesota, USA) Mantet (Tetofsky x McIntosh) x Oriole cross. Medium sized fruit, bright red stripes over yellow. All purpose summer apple. Juicy with yellow, semi-sweet to subacid flesh. Ripens early to late August.
(1866 Kansas, USA) Winesap seedling. Medium to large fruit, skin 90% red, striped attractive, sometimes small cracks.Flesh firm, greenish light-yellow, eating quality very good.
(late 1800's South Carolina, USA) usually medium in size, a deep yellow with small light green splotches and perhaps a few red dots atits peak of ripeness. The flesh is fine grained and can have a faint smell of banana if fully ripe.
(early 1900's North Carolina, USA) The fruit is large, round, and light greenish-yellow in color with dark specks. In the early 1980's, Lee Calhoun rediscovered this old North Carolina apple growing in a homeowner's field in Chatham County, NC. From 1920 - 1928, Summer Orange was listed in an old catalog from a small nursery located in Chatham Co. It apparently was grown only in Chatham and nearby counties and never became commercially popular.
(France) The fruit can be picked while still green for frying, pies and applesauce. The fruit can be large and is often ribbedwith unequal sides. Skin is greenish yellow washed with pink and carmine on the sun exposed side. The greenish yellow flesh is coarse, tender and very juicy.
(1993 Indiana, USA) I grafted this because we used to have a dog named this. The fruit is medium to large, occasional mottled,pink-orange blush, 100% pale yellow, attractive. Medium-course grained, cream color, very firm and crisp & breaking flesh. Full, rich flavor, juicy. Very good quality.
(1897 Berkshire, England, UK) Northern Spy seedling. Medium fruit, skin pale yellow, variable orange red flush and bright carminestripes, russet at base. Flesh soft, tender, loose texture, whitish. Flavor sweet, subacid. (unique pear-grape flavor) Good eating.
(1918 Kent, England, UK) Cox Orange Pippin seedling. Small to medium sized, flat-round fruit. Orange flush and stripes overa golden yellow skin covered in small russet patches. Moderately juicy, crisp, cream coloured flesh. Sweet but with plenty of acidity.Intense aromatic, flavour very similar to Cox.
(1955 Kent, England, UK) Cox Orange Pippin x Court Pendu Plat cross. Suntan is a handsome late dessert apple, rich, sweet,with plenty of pineapple-like acidity and very aromatic.
(1817 USA) Medium to large size fruit. Juicy, crisp white flesh with honey sweet flavor. Green and pale yellow skin with a red blush.
(1911 Geneva, New York,USA) Deacon Jones x Delicious cross. Very large fruit, skin 90% red, not striped scarfskin, attractive.Flesh firm, cream colored. Flavor sweet, aromatic.
(1978 Minnesota, USA) Malinda x Northern Spy cross. Large red striped fruit, up to one pound in weight. Aromatic, moderately acid, firm, cream colored flesh with high sugar content.
I like the name!
(1800's Georgia, USA) Joyce Neighbors of Gadsden, Alabama, noted apple collector,says the Tar Button is an old variety first described in a 1982-1983 catalog of Lawson's Nursery in Ball Ground, Georgia. According to Jim Lawson thisapple probably originated with a Humphrey Tarbutton of northern Georgia sometime in the 1800's. Fruit is yellow with red striping and is a very good cooking and drying apple as well as a fine fresh eating variety. Considered one of the best for apple jelly.
(late 1700's Britanny, France) Large fruit, skin yellowish with salmon pink blush, stillate russet dots and occasional patches, greasy. Flesh firm, fine, white, with a green coreline. Flavor acid.
(1822 Thought to be Massuchusetts, USA but not certain) The tree grows well, is very hardy, long-lived and once very popularin home orchards of New England. Fruit is medium-sized and round with yellowish-white skin often with a faint red blush. The firm, fine-grained whiteflesh is juicy and sweet.
(1750 New Jersey, USA) Large to very large fruit. Smooth yellow skin washed with orangish red, sometimes striped. Coarse, yellowish flesh with rich, subacid flavor.
(1840 New York, USA) Very large fruit as its name implies. Broad red stripes over greenish background skin. Skin is "peened" like Granny Smith. Semi-firm white flesh is juicy and acidic.
(late 1700's Wilmington, Delaware, USA) Fruit is medium to large with yellow skin overlaid with pale red stripes. A good keeper, it becomes greasy feeling in storage and loses some crispness, but remains an excellent cooking apple until March or April. Has very hard, crisp yellow flesh that is juicy and sweet. Ripens in October or later.
(1969 Wisconsin, USA) Parentage includes Jonathan, Delicious, Williams Early Red, Early McIntosh and Starr. Large to very large fruit. Skin 80-100% dark purplish red, blushed, round shape. Flesh semi-firm, cream colored, some water core. Flavor subacid, aromatic.
(early 1600's France) Fruits have firm, fine, white flesh with a subacid and slightly aromatic flavour.
(1920's Troutville, Virginia, USA) A red sport of Winesap.
(1815 Marietta, Ohio, USA) Fruit closely resembles Summer Rambo, but ripens later. Considered one of the best fall apples. Fruitis large and conical in shape. The skin is thin and greenish-yellow covered with a dull red coat overlaid with deep red striping. Flesh is greenish-white, juicy, tender and mild.
(1790 Westfield, Massachusetts, USA) Medium to large fruit is streaked with red and russet over yellowish background. Crisp, juicy, high qualtiy white flesh. Aromatic, mildly subacid, distinctive flavor. Rated as very good to best in "Apples of New York" by Beach.
(1876 Cass County, Indiana, USA) Fruit is large and conical in shape. The smooth, tough skin is bright yellow with a pinkish red blush on the sun-exposed side. The whitish flesh is crisp, fine-grained and juicy. A very attractive apple that when well grown can have a very faint aroma of fresh bananas.
(1842 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA) Fruit is medium to large with dull green or yellowish skin, sometimes having a slight brownish or purple blush on the sunny side. The white flesh is tender, juicy and sweet and is sometimes said to have pear-like flavor.
(1875 Wolf River, Fremont County, Wisconsin, USA) Believed to be an Alexander seedling. Fruit is large to very. Skin is greenishyellow covered with splashes and stripes of red and carmine. The soft, tender whitish flesh is coarse-grained and moderately juicy.
(1742 Burlington County, New Jersey, USA) Large size fruit often lopsided shape. Lemon yellow skin with conspicuous white dots, often blushed with pink. Crisp, medium fine grained cream colored flesh. Sweet, slightly subacid flavor.
(1967 North Rose, New York, USA) Anthocyaninless mutation of Delicious. Fruit and tree indistinguishable from Delicious, except fruits are not red but yellow-green, sometimes 20% dull pinkish blush, sometimes red streak chimeras. Delicious with no red color.
(Russia) Old Russian apple brought to USA in 1870 by the USDA. Fruiit is medium sized with smooth transparent yellow skin.White-fleshed, tender, fine-grained and juicy. Flavor is quite tart and tangy.
(1878 Germany) Ananas Reinette x Purpurroter Agatapfel cross. Medium size fruit, skin yellowish green with dull brownish red flushand faint stripes, russet dots, streaks and patches, slightly rough, sticky. Flesh fine, firm, rather dry, yellowish white. Flavor sweet subacid.